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Rum Punch

To me, nothing is more refreshing on a warm summer's day than some nice juicy fruit. But you’re at the cottage, you don’t want fruit, you want a nice refreshing cocktail!

Let’s have the best of both worlds.

The word “punch” comes from a Hindi word that means “five”, and to be considered a punch you need five ingredients: alcohol (rum, brandy, or arrack, sugar, sour (lemon or lime juice), water, and tea or spices.

The drink eventually made its way to England and it became a hit, and if you really wanted to show off to your friends you would have a punch bowl. Having a punch bowl showed that you had money as the spices, spirits, and sugar used in the punches were expensive.

When England colonized sugar producing nations, the game changed. They started using Jamaican Rum in their punches which was a lot cheaper and easier to get. Also being in the Caribbean, they were able to use different juices that they didn’t usually use.

Much like other cocktails, the punch sadly fell out of fashion and people stopped drinking them until about 20 years ago when it started making a comeback. Now you can go to bars that focus around making different types of punches.

The punch we are making today is a bit of a twist on a classic punch.

We are going to use a blend of different rums that really blend well together and show off the flavours of each other. Also instead of using a simple syrup as our sugar, we are going to use Cachaça, a Brazilian spirit made from fermented sugar cane.


0.5oz Appletons Rum

0.5oz Havana Club 3 Year

0.5oz Cachaça

0.5oz Amaretto

1.0oz Pineapple Juice

1.0oz Guava Nectar

Splash of Lime juice

Grated Cinnamon

Step One:

Add all of your spirits and juices to your shaker.

Step Two:

Add ice to your shaker and shake it fairly hard. The pineapple juice gives a nice froth to the drink.

Step Three:

Fill a Collins glass with ice and strain your cocktail into the glass.

Step Four:

Grate some cinnamon on to the top of your cocktail and garnish with pineapple leaves.

Now it’s time to sit back and enjoy some sun and a refreshing, juicy cocktail.

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